15 Guinea Pig Gifts to Treat your Pet

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Guinea Pig gifts

We have some great ideas for guinea pig gifts. Guinea pigs are cute, cuddly and friendly, however they can sometimes be nervous so we have looked for gifts to help with all of these traits.

Top 5 Best Guinea Pig Gifts

These are the gifts that are consistently popular for guinea pigs.

Guinea Pig Snuggle Sack
We totally love this idea and it has fabulous reviews. These snuggle pouches can be used for your piggies to hide in, or to keep everyone calm when the guinea pigs are being handled. Watch out for the sizing as there are three sizes. There is a choice of 6 lovely designs.

Guinea Pig Hiding Places

Guinea Pig Bed - 2 pack
A lovely tent-like design that will keep your guinea pig warm and safe. They are designed to hold one piggy so come in a pack of two.
Trixie Natural Living Willow Bridge
A gorgeous hiding place for your piggies to enjoy some peace and quiet. Or a vantage point to climb on and get a better view of what is going on around them. Will fit up to two guinea pigs comfortably.
Winterwarm Plush Pet Cave
These cute caves come in a number of designs; Giraffe, Crocodile, Moose, Pig and Hornet and a number of sizes.

They have a handy removeable cushion and both the cave and the cushion are fully washable.

Guinea Pig Care

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Grooming Kit for Guinea Pigs
Keep your guinea pig in tip top condition with this cute little grooming kit. It contains a range of brushes and comb.

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Last update on 2024-11-28 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API